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134. Ask me anything this March

Maximise salon success with client retention, financial tips, and membership models.

Lessons from this episode:

  1. Implement salon memberships tailored to turn good customers into great ones, focusing on offering more of what they already love rather than discounts on a mix of services.
  2. Address client retention issues by understanding why clients may not be returning and ensuring a stable presence within the salon to build trust.
  3. Work in the business until it reaches a certain level of success before pulling back, and focus on systemisation and process building for sustainable growth.
  4. Manage finances effectively by adopting a strategic approach like the "Profit First" methodology for better cost and cash flow control.
  5. When considering the structure of a new salon, carefully weigh the pros and cons of employment versus room rental, avoiding a mix of both if it leads to a negative working environment.

Categories: : Marketing, Money